About Us
DEKGRAFIS started to share design tutorials and tips on Instagram in 2020. We focused on posting a tutorial video about microblogs and streetwear designs. We are happy many designers are motivated to be more productive and get new insights, also, people not in the field of design are interested in learning graphic design. We succeeded got 50K followers on Instagram in 2022 and 22K subscribers on Youtube.
In 2022, we decided to start selling graphic design assets such as apparel mockups and 3D icons on Gumroad and Freepik. But, to get exposure, we need a portfolio platform, and Behance is the answer. We are happy that we are fully supported on every project.
DEKGRAFIS was built by Adek Pangestu, a content creator and graphic designer based in Indonesia. He hopes that DEKGRAFIS can continue to create useful content and products for designers in the world.
If you want to work with us or need a custom mockup, please get in touch with us by e-mail: dekgrafis@gmail.com.